Six Steps to Manage the First 100 Days in a New Role
Starting a new job is an exciting time. A time that brings opportunities and growth. The initial time period when starting a new position is of great importance; with current recruitment competition and economic pressures impacting employment, this has never been more true.
The first one hundred days in your new role is the time to establish yourself as an invaluable asset to your new employer. The better you prepare yourself now, the more you will succeed.
- Find out what the expectations are
Before starting your new job, find out what the expectations for your role are, particularly what you are expected to achieve within the first one hundred days. This shows initiative and gives you time to plan ahead.
- Schedule regular check-in meetings with your manager
These will help to ensure you are on target, or to quickly adapt and implement changes where needed.
- Get to know your team
Learning more about colleagues and team members from the company website and social media may help to prepare you in advance. Learn about the organisational culture and individual roles within the relevant teams.
In the first few weeks of your new job, you will receive an overwhelming amount of information. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – clarifying any grey areas at this stage is particularly important to avoid greater mishaps later. Everyone expects a new hire to have questions so use this time to clarify expectations and procedures from the start. However, don’t forget to use your initiative and show proactivity!
Top Tip: No one remembers everything so make note; ask around and do your research too. Half of knowledge is knowing where to find it.
Establish Contacts & Build Relationships
Starting at a new workplace means entering a new world with its own hierarchies, cultures and relationships. It is a good idea to take few days to observe and learn. Whilst it’s tempting to dive into office life and make new friends, do take a step back and observe. We are programmed to seek out reassurance and approval when joining a new group, but now is a good time to observe from a distance. Be polite, kind and helpful; most importantly, be competent. Your focus is on delivering great work, setting a precedence for your level of skills and, slowly, you will integrate into this new group of colleagues.
Being positive and motivated, asking questions and building a network demonstrate you willingness to integrate and become a part of the team.
Demonstrate Your Capabilities: Bring in New Ideas
Your new company hired you for your skillset, your talent, and your experience. Now is the time to demonstrate why you were truly the right candidate for the job.
Are you a great strategic thinker? Demonstrate these skills!
Do you have great organisational skills? Show them!
You are in a unique position. You bring a fresh perspective and new energy. Be considerate in how you share ideas but voice your thoughts, plans and strategies with your manager and colleagues. This shows initiative and passion for your new role.
Top Tip: Try to avoid unnecessary comparisons and praises of your old company. Too many of those would raise the question “Why did she/he leave?” It is always good to support your ideas with facts and statistics instead.
Take Your Time & Avoid Taking On “Too Much, Too Soon”
For you to do an excellent job, it’s important to get the right balance. Try not to take on too much too soon. You were hired for your excellent skill set and expertise. You should show your abilities and strengths through your work. But remember, you don’t stay focussed by overloading yourself!
After your first week in the new company, you should have a good understanding of how things work and what is expected. Concentrate on delivering the highest standard of work and show that you are highly motivated to be part of this new team and organisation.
Top Tip: It is easy to become overwhelmed by wanting to please your new boss and saying ‘yes’ to everything. Avoid this by thinking carefully about which extra projects you want to / can take on before you overextend yourself and cannot take care of your regular daily duties. When you are positive that you have the capacity to take on a new project, wonderful. If not, wait until you have mastered the first one hundred days at your new job.
Focus On The Goal
After the first few weeks on the job, you may feel super confident and comfortable, but this is no reason to become complaisant. You have worked hard to integrate into a new team, to build new relationships and demonstrate your passion. So, keep up the hard work. You have laid the foundations for your success, now take the steps to build on this.
Top Tip: Those who master their first 100 days in a new role have a great advantage for the rest of their career.
At MWA, we are well aware of the intricacies involved in a job transition. So, we ensure to always support our candidates, and remain a point of contact throughout the first year of a new position. We highly recommend considering the above points to support the first one hundred days of a new position. Utilise this time to set the best foundations for a successful future.